Weekend bread adventure: Heart shaped pain de campagne for my FIL (photos)


I've already posted the recipe above, but made this again to take today to my FIL for his birthday today along with a jar of Aleta's Spicy Peach Preserves in T&T. So far that's my favorite jam I've made.

I forgot to take a side shot, but I got great oven spring using a sheet pan and wet roasting pan for cover/steam.



That is my favorite method to get steam... (a question inside)

how did you shape it as a heart?

love it!

To get the heart shape..

Well, I wanted to use a basket I thought I had, or the cake pan I thought would work, but was too big.

So, I shaped for a round, then just sorta used the palms of my hands to pat it into a point on one end. Then I used my bench cutter to split the top to get the two sides of the top of the heart (shaping only doesn't stay shaped). Then I smooshed it into place while trying to tuck the top under to make it as tight as possible on top.

What I did wrong was shaping it as a heart for the first rise out of the fridge. Next time I'd just shape as a round and save the heart detail for the final proof as I ended up completely reshaping it because you lose the tightness on top during the first rise and as the dough was a bit dry on the surface it was more difficult to get as good a shape as the first time, so I'd cover with plastic and not a towel. Because I redid it I had lots of big bubbles on top of the dough after reshaping and I'd rather them be more inside. Since it was a gift I didn't get to see the crumb, but I got great oven spring and am sure it's fine. However, I'll do better next time.

Maria, bet our FIL was touched! What a wonderful, and delicious, gift!

I have a SIL who can and does buy anything his heart desires. The most appreciated gift for him is something I've made that I know he will love. These gifts from the heart are treasures!
Thanks for sharing! I'm going to look up that jam recipe, too! smileys/wink.gif
