Weird question: anyone ever ship a pie? Think it can be done? I have a foodsaver


I'm getting ahead of myself and likely will not pull it off for this holiday, but my BIL's favorite thing is pie and I keep thinking about trying to mail one given his all come from the grocery store. (cue sad violin) Now if it was pecan, think it might be pretty easy, but his favorites are fruit pies.

What do you think?

I have never tried to mail a pie but my gut feeling is, this would be very iffy.

How far will it have to travel, and will there be a chance of it freezing along the way? Keep in mind too, that those packages get tossed about and will likely be upside down some of the time. No matter how well you manage to pack it, do you think the crust will hold up to the tossing, etc.?

My thoughts too - it's only going to SoCal...

My thought would be to foodsaver it, and that seems tricky because I'd think freezing it first would help.

Then put it in a box with shipping noodles, then inside another box with shipping noodles.

I used to make pear pies when the tree was giving forth, freeze them uncooked, and toss them into

my suitcase to take to my parents in PHX. This worked very well, despite a couple of necessary flight connections, until one day when NWA 'lost' my luggage. I also took frozen pies to the Caribbean, but always fruit. I sucked them into a ziplock and they always arrived unscathed and still cold.

So if you had a quick method of shipping and the pie were really reeeeelly frozen, it might work.

BTW, the pear pies that were lost with my luggage turned up a month later sitting in the luggage room where no one had ever looked for them. The pies were very sad-looking but the sucking on the ziplock was very effective. They hadn't even molded and the suction really held everything in place.

A pecan pie would do all right.We used to get a mincemeat

pie from the NY Athletic club. But a fruit pie won't make it, IMO.

YES and I have a story to go with it......

My husband makes an awesome apple crumb pie and before we got married, my mom wanted one so badly that we made one and froze it for a few days to make sure it was good and frozen. We wrapped it up good and he packaged it, don't ask me why, in the box a soccer ball came in then put that inside of another box. He took it to Greyhound bus to ship it because she made pick ups for her work every morning at the one down there. Next morning she picks up her packages and she had told her guy at the counter about the pie so she decides to open it up and give him a piece. She thought it was awfully light. It was an empty soccer ball box in the shipping box. She thought he played a prank on her but the counter guy looked at the shipping weight and label. DH had labeled it as a homemade apple pie. So somewhere between Nashville, TN and Jackson, MS someone at Greyhound got hungry and took themselves a pie and then sealed the box and sent it on it's journey. They paid us $80 for that pie and shipped the next one for free.

So I can say that frozen pies ship well but don't label them with what they really are!
