Well I have made today Michael Curried Red Lentil Soup it is so good for tomorow14773 also making

P.S I went to the Doc today she said

My Iron is high in the wrong place
My Liver is working overtime
And I am anemic
Also my red blood cells are large

She asked me if things changed nope still eating good, with a glass of wine with dinner. So know more wine etc for me.

Never was a big drinker in the first place now I can't have anything

has anyone heard of taking tonic water for cramps in the legs. Since I can't take any pain stuff.

but you have to be careful taking B12 if your iron is high, I think. High iron, but anemic

that just sounds like it can't be. My aunt has a condition where her blood is also too "rich" and she has to have it drawn every several months. I don't know the name of that condition though. not much help am I?

My Mom takes water with quinine for leg cramps.


I had some similar issues with liver enzymes in the past. They self-resolved, and I never did find out what was the cause.

Good luck with your health issues. smileys/smile.gif

My mom gets leg cramps if she eats bananas: too much potassium (which is in lots of good things!)

Like lentils, for instance!

Check this list of potassium-rich foods and see if you were eating a lot of them recently. Bizarro reaction if folks are on a diet or are vegetarian..these are all good foods.

It breaks my heart to see the list of "Completely Avoid These Very High Potassium Foods" because one of them is CHOCOLATE!!!!

