Well now.....some ideas please....


Well-known member
It is my birthday next week-end...I wouldnt mention this but plans have had to change and I now find I am camping with my cub scouts that week-end.

I simply have no time to bake a cake and transport it so I was thinking of doing something else..But What???

A friend once gave her daughter a birthday cake of a bowl of M and Ms with candles stuck in it....something along those lines as we will join another pack and there could be 30 or so youngs cubs!!!

Ack, I am too busy to think but I would like to do something simple yet special/different.

TIA for any ideas

What about cupcakes? Quick and easy. You could even take the frosting along

and have the scouts help you with frosting and decorating them (saving you time at home and easier transport of the cupcakes). I'm sure they'd love to participate.

And if time is an issue for you why don't you bake the cupcakes this week and freeze them. At the link is a little info from Cooks Illustrated on freezing cupcakes.

Have a great birthday, Joanie.


I saw S'More where a good chocolate was melted then spread

on homemade graham cookies where it hardened. Then marshmellows and marshmellow spread was provided around the campfire and folks could either roast a marshmellow or just add some spread. The chocolate was already a part of the cookie, so the critical step of dropping the candy/marshmellow into the fire ashes and digging it out, brushing off the ashes, kissing it up to God and eating it anyway can be avoided.

Not that I would ever do that.

Perhaps the Candy Cake? I believe Carianna posted a link on Gails.Will search for it Happy B-day!!

Maybe this is what you're talking about, Barb, but I saw this the other day somewhere. Using a glue

gun, attach miniature candy bars to an inverted cake pan(up and down), covering it as you go around the entire pan.

Do this to a second, smaller pan, until you have a 2-layer "candy cake". On top, make a pattern with more candy bars or gumdrops.

I would think the Cub Scouts would love this!

(And happy birthday, Joanie!!)

Hi Daw, attached link details examples of Candy Cakes. May give you some good ideas

I recall Carianna did this with lots of balloons for a b-day party. I made one similiar using left over Halloween candy a few years ago. I purchased the foam in cake shapes at Michaels craft store. I used double sided tape to stick them on. They did not stay on the way I would like, so next time. I like your idea of using the hot melt gun.



Rice Krispie treats...Easy, can be made ahead. You could double the recipe, then

spread them out on 2 different sized cake pans; once cooled, you could place one layer on top of the other....It may need some melted chocolatd to stick together, or if you can get them out when they are hot, just press together.

You could even make one layer with Chocolate Rice Krispies, and one with plain. Your cubs could pull what they want off of it, if you prefer, rather than cutting...Could be fun, easy and prepared ahead.

Enjoy your special day!~


Popcorn balls made with melted marshmallow like the rice krispie treats are easy to take along too.

Wow, Barb. Those are nice pictures/cut candy cakes! Thanks. Not my idea, but

Martha Stewart's (I think).
