Well poop, I made the Baked Brownies w/o enough sugar - ideas?


This is what I get for making them late at night when I'm tired and then had to stop/wait for chocolate to come to rm temp. Looks like I grabbed the 3/4 cup scoop instead of the 1 cup, leaving me with a missing 1/4 c sugar and flour from the mix.

haven't cut them yet, but nabbed a bit of crust and noticed it wasn't very sweet.. Yep took a big ol' bite. Not bad, but nuttin' special, they need an upgrade. These were going to be gifted, any thoughts of salvage? Hate to toss all that butter/chocolate out.

I made a batch of them and then put a checkerboard square of white and dark Godiva squares

on top. Popped it into the oven and slightly swirled the softened squares to marbelize. So pretty and so easy.

I think Ghiradelli squares might be even sweeter and would work to compensate.

Are white chips sweeter?...

I was thinking of adding chips across the top. I tasted the brownies this am, and they aren't bad, just seriously chocolate and a tad on the not sweet side. I was thinking white chips sorta melted on top might look pretty because the brownies taste *very* chocolate-ly already and part of me thinks they are sweeter - am I wrong?


I'm thinking of cutting them in heart shapes and gifting to the mom's around me I'm going to see anyway tomorrow.

And at the end of the day...aka Friday Six

partly because I'm tuckered out...partly because I ended up eating an entire row of said low sugar/flour brownies...I did nothing.

Except cut them with a heart shaped cookie cutter, wrapped them it a small found stash of plastic wrap, and am going to gift them to my SIL's as a small mom's day token tomorrow. (I expect they'd be better with chips on top, but ran outta time.)

I made Ina's lemon cake in 5 mini loaf pans, two of them and a chocolate brownie heart got FedEx'ed to mom, and the rest of everything is going to my MIL/SIL's who I will see tomorrow at a grand niece's Conformation. Also, since apparently I'm a heathen, I just realized my gift is practically Pagan instead of some good Catholic thing she doesn't need. I got her a copy of Mists of Avalon. She's a reader, and loved that book when I was her age. I'm just so thrilled she reads! smileys/smile.gif

BTW, she asked me if I'd read the Twilight books the other day and when I said no, she replied (hand on hip) "And you call yourself a reader!" Ha! - I have read all the Hunger Game books though, so that got me a bit of a reprieve.

Fantastic idea, Marilyn! Now I have an actual potential

excuse for buying the Ghiradelli squares and having them in the house. I never know when I'll need to "improve" something I've baked or bought. Booyah! Colleen

No, I ate it anyway because it was yummy.

A tiny size row over the course of the day. And a sleeping pill at night to offset. Sometimes I miss chocolate so much I'll eat a little bit anyway and for some reason things with cocoa in them don't hit me as hard. I have no idea why.
