Well, that was interesting re: sugar cookie request, I decided to ship a blind test


set of four different recipes.

This morning I was reducing them all down to < 2 cups of flour, preferably 1 cup of flour.

At first I was going to adapt Penny's using Deb's excellent suggestions, but felt I needed a control since I've been sending my friend Penny's cookies for years. We were roommates decades ago and got along perfectly because she didn't like chocolate and I didn't like vanilla. So neither stole the other's cookies.

It's important to build a relationship on moral ethics.

Here's the interesting part: I wrote out the Balsam, Humble, Let's and the Cornstarch versions. Then I wrote out Penny's. Turns out it's almost IDENTICAL to Let's (friend of James Beard) with the only difference being tiny bit of Mace versus a tiny bit of Almond Extract. That's it!

Now I'm in a quandary. Do I use the original Penny's or Deb's improved version?

PS: I had Fiore de Sicilia but it appears the bottle has dried out.

Not sure that it's improved.....

it's just a different taste. Just a tad richer because of the heavy cream but I don't have measurements (so sorry) because I tend to just eyeball things.

Maybe...as a test....make Penny's but take a 3rd of the batter out before you add the milk and then add milk to one (decreased by 1/3) and cream to the other (and zest).

Future tests: Penny's with vanilla and the same with vanilla paste.

Please report out.
