Well the visit to the hospital turned out ok What is seen at this point


Well-known member
I have acid reflux in the thoat and upper intestident/ stomach. He is doing a Bi-opcie will hear more on friday. Blood pressure is still high but going down.Feeling a lot better

Well in a way this is good news as it is very treatable and you should be feeling much better really

soon. Did they tell you that when you are in pain your blood pressure goes up? That might be a causor. I hope your next test goes really well, sounds like you have a good doctor. It's scary to go through all of this so hang in there, I will be thinking healing thoughts for you. Take good care...

I hope you continue to do better. It can be scary, but as Heather said, it

is very treatable. The good thing is you are taking care of it! :eek:)

Glad to know you are doing better and that everything is treatable.

My acid reflux is acting up something fierce tonight (from too much wine) - I am so uncomfortable. I guess I have to lay off the booze for a couple of days.

Relief for Acid Reflux Disease...

My thoughts are with you, Carol. There's a lot of us dealing with this problem, but, thank goodness, it is easily treated.

I, too, have suffered from this for a long time. Doctor prescribed the newest med each time the drug companies came out with a new one, and I have been on Aciphex for two years now. This keeps it under control very well, but if I over-indulge in wine or greasy stuff (like salami lollipops last night, ha ha) I take a Tums Dual Action or a Maalox tab at night. The pharmacist said there was no conflict, and the relief lasts until my next Aciphex next morning.

Take care, follow Doctor's orders, and you will be OK.

You are right on the wine and or fatty foods the fatty foods I can not do

nor do I like,they have me on Prazole 2 tablets and I also take Zyrtec seems to help alot. Also what is good that they gave me is Sucralfate it helps coat the tummy. Thank you

Avoid caffeine and especially cola

This happened to me (although I never had official tests for it, as you have had) about 10 years ago. My voice was getting raspier and raspier and I was beginning to get worried when it didn't go away (GERD was irritating my throat so much I was getting horse).

I went to the doctor and omitted practically all caffeine, especially carbonated soda with caffeine in it. Within a week or so the horseness was gone, no pain when I laid down, and I threw the rest of my Maalox out. Lost 35 lbs and I haven't had the problem since. I can have caffeine again without a problem, but still much watch the cokes (even diet) and never drink it in the evening anymore.
