It's interesting because it is basically a pate a choux (eclair) dough and should work
fine. Even the person adding too much corn worked.
Here is an answer from a Fine Cooking board about eclair dough that speaks to the too many egg possibility. Also noted was to be sure to cook it enough with the flour and cool completely--they beat with a mixer.
You added too many eggs. Once the dough has been formed and pulled away from the edges of the hot pan, place it in a mixer with a paddle attachment and stir at low speed to cool it down (you don't want the eggs to scramble when you add them). Add the eggs one at a time and blend in. The test you use to tell when you've added enough eggs is as follows: Run a finger deeply through the batter. Time how long it takes the sides to ooze back together to close the track your finger created. It should take 2 seconds. If it takes longer, add another egg, blend in, and test again. If it takes less, you have added too many eggs - throw batter out and start over. Be careful - as you get closer to the right point, you may have to add less than a full egg. Take an egg and beat it, add a portion into the batter, blend in, and retest.