Ha, ha, cheezz, & bless U, but if there were any truth 2 my having superior intelligence, I'd have
remembered 2 post the link back to all the genoise advice 4 U! Duh. A big THANKS 2 AngAk for doing that!
cheezz, I see w/ yr Rose Beranbaum recipe that it calls for clarified butter. Not all genoise recipes I've seen say to do that step.
In fact, the REC I tried originally from the Raspberry White Chocolate Mousse Cake never stipulated that so I merely melted unsalted butter but did not clarify. Since I have not seen clarified butter being listed in every genoise recipe I've read, I don't know if that was my total problem or not, but I will point that out to you for whatever it might be worth.
I have a gut feeling that my genoise flop was due to several errors on my part and not just one--shades of my Black-Bottom Caramel Pecan Pie experience as I later found out!
Making BG's (BEST OF GOURMET) above Raspberry White Chocolate Mousse Cake using Christopher Kimball's Foolproof Sponge Cake recipe from GayR (instead of using the white chocolate genoise ingredients & instructions in the Gourmet recipe) worked very well for me! I made 2 of those towering desserts w/ Kimball's sponge cake for the Senior Center Dinner/Dance in August 2009 and received rave reviews. I even got a couple orders from guests that evening to make 2 more.
Okay, since I was asked in a PM for the recipe, I am going to remember to post a link to the White Chocolate Mousse Cake recipe now just to see if that old neuron will fire. Smile. Wigs
PS: You know, with some of these culinary techniques, it truly takes a village to get me on the right track, and I thank all of you out there for past help and total advice rendered!
PPS: cheezz, please let me/us know how Rose's genoise comes out for you.