The school where I teach has, I think, 69% of students on free or reduced lunch.
It may have gone down a bit, as we are now a magnet school and draw kids from farther away. We have about 30 families who get backpacks of food on the weekends because they would have nothing to eat otherwise. These same students are helped at Christmas and holidays - it broke my heart when the child I was buying something for included underwear as part of what she wanted for Christmas. I sent my very spoiled daughter who takes pretty underwear for granted to buy her some to add to the gift card I gave her. Children like this really need the breakfasts, and although the food is like the pictured American meal, it is nothing like as upsetting as Karen describes, and most teachers allow late students to finish their breakfast either in the classroom, or just outside it. We always have fresh fruit and salads out as part of the lunch, but I seldom go to the cafeteria (just to buy milk for my tea), so I don't know whether it is eaten or not. I have also found that you can never guess which kids are homeless - they are generally always clean and well-kept, doing their best to pretend their circumstances aren't as bad as they really are. There are always some people who might try to take advantage of the system, but we see so many sad things. Our county offers free breakfast to all students, so you might say that many are taking advantage of the system, but it has two positive outcomes. First, the kids who can't do without the free food aren't stigmatized as 'the poor ones', and secondly, more children do eat breakfast, and they learn much better if they have eaten, regardless of the reason or who gave them the food.