What fun....the Washington Post is running contest to write Haiku about pizza!: by April 30


Wednesday, April 23, 2008; Page F02

Pizza-loving poets, start composing. For an upcoming pizza-themed section, we're seeking your best verse for our Reader Pie-Ku Contest.

In the tradition of Japanese haiku, that's three unrhymed lines -- five syllables, then seven, then five -- in honor of the almighty pizza, whichever way you slice it.

Be original, be descriptive, be funny. Note: Only one pie-ku entry per person, so work to make it the best use of 17 pizza-related syllables.

The deadline for receipt of entries is April 30. E-mail yours to food@washpost.com with "PIE-KU" in the subject line, or send it to: Pie-Ku Contest, c/o Joe Yonan, Food Section, The Washington Post, 1150 15th St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20071. Be sure to include your full name, address and telephone number for contact purposes.

Pizza-related prizes will be awarded.

Here is a great websit with lots of info ,samples, and lessons in Haiku.

Very interesting!!
You may find this helpful. Looks like I need lessons in puncuation and it is supossed to be website!!! Oy vey!!!!

My entry was a reflection of the frustration of metro DC pizza lovers

(mainly former New Yorkers) who can't find a "real" pizza:

I keep dreaming of
Finding real New York pizza
Someday in No VA

You know, I thought about writing a haiku homage to Lou Malnatti's pizza in Chicago for my DH.

He is still in mourning. I'll try to come up with something today. Thanks for the nudge. smileys/smile.gif

If you take a look at the PI, I believe that is one of the side effects of Lipitor! (Seriously...)
