Odd. The highest temp (110 C) is too low for most sugar/candy stages other than "thread".
But I can see a pastry student using it for these specific techniques.
Thread Stage
215° F–234° F
/101° C–112° C
sugar concentration: 80% Sugar syrup, fruit liqueur and some icings
Thread: At this relatively low temperature, there is still a lot of water left in the syrup. The liquid sugar may be pulled into brittle threads between the fingers. Or, take a small amount of the syrup onto a spoon, and drop it from about 2-inches above the pot. Let it drip into the pan. If it spins a long thread, like a spider web, it's done.
Jelly, candy, fruit liqueur making and some icings
Pearl: 220 - 222 degrees F - The thread formed by pulling the liquid sugar may be stretched. When a cool metal spoon is dipped into the syrup and then raised, the syrup runs off in drops which merge to form a sheet.
Delicate sugar candy and syrup
Blow or Soufflé: 230 - 235 degrees F - Boiling sugar creates small bubbles resembling snowflakes. The syrup spins a 2-inch thread when dropped from a spoon.