What is the mood as we prepare for Thanksgiving this year?


Well-known member
I am pretty excited, we'll be hosting and enjoying ON the big day this year. The first in what seems like a long time, mainly because it's the first since he retired from the navy and we've been in our own home.

I have, however, promised to keep it simple and stick with the basics.

I'm happy this year because our family 'core' will be together; first time since parent/in-law

deaths, which were years ago.

Bob and I are 'just' aunt and uncle so we're left out of the loop wit the nieces having married families to go to for holidays.

This year my husband's sister invited us and just her 2 girls' immediate family. I get to make pies again, my specialty, and veggies, cause no one else in the family makes them or are very fond of vegetables, esp. to make them scratch.

Simple, maybe even going out?

There's only the three of us. I don't know why but I am uninspired and unmotivated to cook these days. Felling a little like it's not appreciated I guess.

There is a chef at one of the local hotels that I firmly believe is THE most under-rated chef in town. She and her staff create some of the most interesting and best food in town every time I do get a chance to go there. I know she'll have a bang up buffet so I'm thinking it might be fun to try it and see what twists they put on traditional Thanksgiving foods. They do a popcorn ice cream if that gives you one idea of their twists.

But at the same time, I hate not to cook. Maybe I'll get inspired in the next week or so in time to order a good turkey.

Just happy the Witness Relocation Marshals are going to let me outside. Of course, they insist I >>

wear a disguise which is somewhat inconvenient. While it is a bit uncomfortable the good news is they claim no one will recognize me inside the enormous rubber turkey suit.

(Now if I can just stay away from the lunatics with muskets in those damned Pilgrim outfits.)

Since I'll have some time off before and after Thanksgiving...

spending some time with FloriBoy (4 years my junior - hee-hee) vs FloriDad. That's just the way it is.

Thanksgiving in the 1 room cabin on the Potomac River in Virginia

The cousins will do the cooking for about 25 on Turkey Day. But I am doing Shrimp and Grits for all on Saturday. I am very excited about my trip!

My sisters hosting - so it means it's my side of the family this year!

Yeah!!! (okay - that's kinda rude - right?)

Actually popcorn ice cream sundae -

it's a corn ice cream with popcorn. I wish I could remember the other elements. It's wonderful - sweet and salty - the perfect combination.

Thanksgiving is my family's holiday! It is at my parents' house but

I am doing the cooking for 31. Friday night we have 43 people at our house for an Oriental banquet. I can't wait!!!
