What is your Best New Kitchen Tip for 2009 ?

An "in-the-oven" meat thermometer may be used as an instant read thermometer. . .

Have done this for a couple of years now. Works fine, especially when you cannot find the meat thermometer when you are placing the very expensive prime rib roast into the oven and you are VERY reluctant to cook with the "minutes-per-pound" method (because it always seems to be overdone when you do so) and THEN you find the meat thermometer after the roast has been in the oven for an hour.

Works for us.

another bread related---take bread out of pan and put back in oven for 5 minutes or more.

no more dough-y bread and nice crusts.

Ov Gloves, when wet, transfer heat. Make sure they are completely dry from the dryer, prior to using

This took me years to learn. it is about cutting celery.

Instead of pulling off stalks of celery then chopping or slicing each stalk take the entire celery 'head' and just chop as much as you need from the top. Duh. Saves a ton of time and the celery fits better in the veggie drawer.

and remember shipmates from South America and the Caribbean who grew up

peeling them that way and were wondering why we did it from the stem end??


Love this one!! I go through so much iced tea and ice seems to dilute it....Thanks for the tip!

I read it somewhere, also about the monkey thing, but I can't remember where

Probably the same article that you read.
