What is your favorite cherry pie recipe please? I bought a bag full of montmorency


Well-known member
cherries this morning at the farmers market and Iwant to make a cherry pie for the 4th. I made one once with almonds or almond paste on the bottom that we loved but I can't find the recipe anywhere!

As soon as I read "What is your favorite cherry pie recipe" I knew it was you, Barbara, posting.

You are the queen of pies!

Wish I could sample it tomorrow with you!


To cinnamon or not to cinnamon, that is the question...

I grew up with my grandma's pies (she sat on her deck and picked the cherries at tree height--LOL), the flaky lard crust and she used cinnamon and tapioca in her cherry pie. IT was more like a great big flaky cherry turnover pastry.

Now I've had people say: "Cinnamon in Cherry Pie???" Like I was mad.

I just thought everyone did it.

Anyone else?

Definitely cinnamon. I love the Double Chery Pie mistral posted at Gail's

I add cinnamon to that one.
