What is your favorite type of loaf pan and why?


Well-known member
I cannot find my regular sized loaf pan anywhere. It was non-stick, but since I am going to have to replace it, I was wondering which one all you bakers like. By regular, I mean the traditional sized one. Thanks!

Dawn, my favorite loaf pan is Norpro....

Been using them for years, now. Have various sizes and use them for everything.

They are great pans!

I just got 4 Pyrex loaf pans (2 large, 2 regular size) at a garage sale for $5 today... good deal?

I know with glass you have to reduce the temperature. Any other hints to using the glass ones?


My actual real favorites are the tin ones you get in the grocery store that I use for breads. I love that they stack and store so easy. I have several sizes but I spray with oil, bake, pop-out, wrap in plastic or foil, tie with a bow, and wash the tins for next time. Those are my actual favorite and have used the same ones for years.

Don't use my pyrex or metal ones much as I have never found a meatloaf recipe that is like the one I used to eat at Mr. Meyberg's deli - it's been gone for years now; his nephew owns another deli in town...shhh don't tell him, but he *cannot* make a meatloaf like his uncle. So I have pretty much given up on my meatloaf quest so rarely use those pans anymore.

Don't worry, your secret is safe with us : ) What did you like about the meatloaf? Charlie has

posted a few great recipes; I believe I posted one with sausage... I have not made meatloaf in a while... I think Thursday will be a good day for one! You have inspired me....((SHould I call Mr. M's nephew for the recipe??? smileys/smile.gif ))

I give up on meatloaf...

As I can't put my finger on the taste I'm looking for. Sorta sweet, moist, and lots of sauce on top. Of course the hugs and conversation you'd get from Mr. M everytime you went into the deli may have factored in on the taste. smileys/smile.gif

Meatloaf, it was the one thing mom could-not-make. Love you mom, but no thanks on the meatloaf. And I've tried several receipes that are good, just not near the same.

Oh and the nephew at his deli thinks he makes the same recipe, he will swear up and down it's the same but it's not even close. He claims he got the recipe from his uncle, but if he did... the joke is on him as it wasn't the same one - no suprise as at the time they each had their own place.
