What kind of dog are you?

I and a friend are both golden retrievers...we were beginning to think that was the only answer! smileys/smile.gif

Golden Retriever.....Although, I have terrible allergies, so it would be quite the challenge!

Great Dane

" You forget peoples names, where you left your keys and sitting through sub titles? Not so much. But you're no dumb pup just a little flighty. On the plus side, you'll never hold grudges and you don't let the small stuff dog you. You also avoid sniffing around anyone elses business, so there's no reason for anyone to come hounding".

i retook and came out norwich terrier...

some of the questions were different.

took a 3rd time, answered all the q's as unlike me as possible, and came out golden retriever...

go figure.

Golden Retriever, WOOF WOOF, I always fancied myself an Alaskan Malimute... don't ask me why
