What to do with a nearly-full jar of clotted cream and lemon curd. Can I freeze it?


Well-known member
The tea and cakes, especially scones, went over very well with my book group. Funny how folks are impressed with simple home-baking these days. Some just get store-bought cookies when it's their turn for snacks.

But I have leftover clotted cream and lemon curd. I don't have any guests coming and it won't keep forever. Ideas for using it up and freezing it all?

Mix with a large fat-free yogurt and either

toss into an ice cream maker or an Animal Cracker cookie or Graham Cracker pie shell(s). Freeze. Either regular or Greek plain yogurt will work! I usually have 1 quart of yogurt to 1 cup of heavy (or light) cream and a 10.5 oz jar of Trader Joe's lemon curd. Use less yogurt with less cream and curd. And do taste your combined yogurt, clotted cream and lemon curd mixture before freezing to adjust sugar and lemon. Flavors will be muted when frozen. Colleen
