REC: Egyptian Garlic Fava Beans (Ful Medames)
1 lb. dried fava beans
2 tbls. olive oil
1 tbls. lime juice
pinch of red pepper
water to cover
Combine and soak over night.
The next day, bring to a simmer and cook until tender.
1 head of garlic, peeled and chopped.
3 tbl. ghee (or butter)
Juice of 1/2 lemon
2 tbl. olive oil
1 ts. cumin
salt and pepper to taste
Stir garlic and ghee in pot and simmer until garlic is tender. Add remaining ingredients and the beans. Heat through. Add some of the bean stock if you want soupier beans. Mash some of the beans if you want a sauce.
Garnish with parsley and/or fresh fenugreek leaves.
Variation: If you want a very soft soupy bean stew, cook the garlic and spices, then stir into the cooked beans in their pot.
And as always, adjust levels of garlic, oil, lemon, salt, pepper, etc. to taste. For me, I want a big mouthful of garlic, lemon, cumin (I use 1 tbls.) and unctucous olive oil coating these beans. This is added after the beans are coated to get the biggest flavor (vs. cooking it all together).