What type of dispenser would you serve Hot Cider? I made a pretty cider for thanksgiving, w/


Well-known member
orange slices, cinnamon sticks, etc. Looked so pretty, but only had a crockpot to serve. (Not that there is anything wrong with a crockpot.......)

Was wondering if there was a different dispenser out there for warm drinks. Thoughts?

It's hard to keep hot any other way and especially if you wanted to be able to

see it. I have served it in a coffee urn.
If you have a hot plate you could use that with a ladle and glass bowl.

I used those pump pots, and my mom has one that is pretty with flowers and fruit on the sides in

enamel. I should "borrow" it! I used the ones from the office when we got rid of the large coffee brewer.
