I love these problems! I would encourage you to look at the instant pot. (Love mine!) I would
- Sous vide immersion thing, not the big box. Actually, I think you can use the sous vide machine in an instant pot. (Only because of the size, not to be used together)
- Egg slicer (Mine broke strings, and I don't like the $5.00 ones, and trouble rationalizing $13.00 for sliced eggs!)
- Cook book for said Instant pot / sous vide machines
- Pair of Fit Flops cause they are my favorite!
- Pair of glasses to watch the solar eclipse. Not that I would use them, but would be a fun activity
- A slinky because they always are fun, and get tangled, so never last long. And you can go years and years w/o one, and you still know how to use it, and makes you smile
- air fryer. It is also on my list, just hoped that they would end up in our consignment shops / thrift stores, because they were a popular christmas gift last year. (No luck so far!)
- Aerogarden. I purchased one for $5.00 at a church sale earlier in the year and love it! Mine is a 3 pod one. (Very small), but I really enjoy it. I do not have a green thumb, and I have not killed anything yet! Fresh herbs throughout the spring, and now trying lettuce. Makes me smile in the am, when I see my plants growing. (So easy!!!)
Fun dilemma to have! What was the reason for the $500.00? That's a lot of $$$! You could certainly use it to pay for amazon pantry, but if gift card was given for special reason that you want to remember / treasure, then I would go for a gifts rather than disposable consumer good.
You have to update post with what you decide!!!