I really do not like to go out to dinner for breakfast / lunch / dinner every day. I called the hotel, and can get a taxi to a publix 15 min away.... BUT, would like to have everything either planned or in my luggage.
Remember the baggage limits--or charges for extra bag/weight.
That has really crimped my style in visiting our kids. Used to take a LOT of special stuff.
How long is this trip? You can theoretically shop every day for what you need. Publix delis usually have a "meat and three" for a reasonable price for a dinner.
Not eggs. LOL. Seriously, you will have to go to Publix at least once so just get everything there.
Spices are a good idea. If you take any food pack it into your suitcase where it will remain cold. The only food I can think of is maybe
some cold cuts that are special for you.