What's a good brand of coconut milk? I've found it to be bland.Can't remember the brand(s) I tried.

My favorite so far is Native Forest, unsweet. Classic. I buy it at RO, Publix does not carry

it. It's a green can. I've tried one brand from Publix that was just awful and I've tried another brand from RO that comes in a red can and I didin't like that either.

Coconut milk is, actually, very bland. If you've ever sipped the liquid from a whole coconut...

then you know what I mean. Faint coconut taste. I've never heard of 'Native Forest', but will look for it!

That's what I thought, but wanted to check. So why use it in recipes if it adds very little taste?

I think the coconut milk adds smoothness, and character to a dish --

It also adds a lot of calories, so sometimes I will use the "lite" varieties. I haven't found much difference in brands -- I seem to find thai coconut milk more than any other type.

We used to have to squeeze our own, by grating the coconut meat (or having it grated in the market), steeping it in boiled water, and squeezing the liquid out through layers of cheese cloth. I used to save the bags from Jamestown Hams to do this!

I'm glad not to have to do that anymore. In South Africa we could buy frozen coconut cream. Wonderful!!! (not sweetened)

Indeed, what I buy is very thick, I often use a mini whisk to mix it up, This brand is flavorful. My

cats like it too smileys/smile.gif

It has it's places; we don't care for the lite coconut milk, I've used...

it in place of milk in cooking baked products. It made wonderful corn bread! The additional fat made the corn bread very moist and tender. I love it in Thai food, and find it tempers the heat of the chilis used in their cuisine.

DUH!!! You're right Meryl... I wasn't thinking... coconut MILK is a whole different product smileys/smile.gif

I've seen the Chaokoh brand recommended by many blogs and food magazines. It's Thai and available

at Asian food stores. I've used it as well as grocery store brands. Not sure I'd be able to tell the difference in most dishes. I've read rather than use the low fat, you're better off just adding some water to the regular as that's basically what they do.

that's my brand, a good amount of the solid gunk that adds the incredible depth of flavor.

now I remember...there's "coconut water", "coconut milk", and "coconut cream" --increasing thickness

Meryl...more..as far as I know no coconut milk tastes as coconutty as

shredded coconut.

Here are 2 websites some of the coconut milk/oil fans shop at...I've not tried either one because I'm happy with RO. Possibly, the taste is better from products from these 2 companies.


There have been a handful of complaints about tropical traditions' customer service.
No complaints about wilderness.

Keep me posted if you try these vs. the Native Forest brand
