What's everyone doing for Thanksgiving? Any new dishes you're excited to make?

I'm trying to find a good recipe for gingersnap cantuccini (biscotti)....I don't

dare to change the rest of the menu. If my family don't get turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts and cranberry sauce AND pumpkin pie at the end and made the same way like every year before, we'd be getting an uproar. And nobody wants an uproar on Thanksgivng.

Nothing new here, all old stand-bys. DS is coming home for first time since leaving for college

In August, so it will be "Old Home Week". He says he can't wait for all of his favorites made by mom.

I can't wait!!

Thank you so much, Gay. Blowkisses coming your way from overseas smileys/smile.gif

I had no idea how to start this thing so thank you for sharing your recipes with me smileys/smile.gif

Ingredients and directions in this recipe FAIL big time.

There was no way the dough would shape into two 4 inch wide by two inch tall logs. So I made one log 4x1.5x8. When it was done it had spread to almost fill the 11x17 pan. Glad I did a test run on this cookie.

Really wanted a gingersnap biscotti.

Thank you for getting back with this info, Michael. It could be the butter...what do you think?
