What's up with the Haas avocado's lately? This was the third one recently


Well-known member
that has what seems like fibrous "strings" going through them. I spent about 20 minutes trying to remove them and finally just chucked it all. I've never seen this before until the last few months. Has anyone else?

This is actually the off-season. I would guess that your avocado was picked either too early or too

late. The strings make me think it was too early. I have a Haas tree and they are okay to pick starting around November and finishing in June. Growers have ways of forcing them to extend the harvest, but much as I love guacamole in summer, they're not at their best this time of year.

Hass 'cados come in ripe and good mid-winter here. Most of the ones. . . .

You see year round now are from Mexico or South Americe. And they may be picking them too green, because the one labeled as above never seem to have that rich, oily goodness that a good California Hass seems to have.

I think the strings are from being held too long, however the avocados are held to keep them for market. Had your seed sprouted at the root timp? (the wide end of the seed). Old avocados are the ones I seem to see with strings here.

Hmmm. This makes me wonder if it is me that's the cause. Someone here (Joe, was it you?)

gave a tip about buying them when they were not at their ripest, (people hadn't squeezed them thus causing the brown spots) and then putting them in the fridge to ripen. That has worked great for me but occasionally these strings are there. I wonder if I'm keeping them to long in the fridge. They are from Mexico.

It wasn't me, nut I would not ripen them in the fridge. I would ripen them at room temp, then

store them in the fridge until you need them. They'll keep a week or so in the fridge once they're ripe.

It makes sense that the softer ones might be bruised by all the handling.

NUT!!! Why you...LOL...I wish I could remember who it was. I've tried to find the thread

on it but can't. It was one of you guys...I remember that.

That's it Lisa! Thanks for finding it for me. Now reading it again I realize

I am doing it wrong. Ripen first and then refrigerate. I wonder if that is the problem. Thanks again.

I don't know - I've had bad luck with the non-CA Haas avocados. I have some from Chile

that are stringy messes that I just tossed in the trash. smileys/frown.gif
