What's with the price of cauliflower these days?

$1.99/head at Trader Joe's two days ago. There is a shortage. . .

Heard about it on NPR. Just about 2 weeks ago cauli was $3/head at TJs.

I just bought a head at our local neighborhood store, they had a lot of it.

Last time I went to Safeway, they had the beautiful purple, and the golden cauliflower, as well as the white. I did not notice the price however, but just read a Dec. 2015 article which said it was up to $7.00 a head in some places.

When I visit our kids in Denver it drives me crazy to pay for veggies by the pound rather

than by the piece. It really can get the price on up there.
In our Aldi's stores, cauliflower is always $2 but it can be a LOT more in the big chain supermarkets

Speaking of cauliflower, how do you get it really hot??? I have tried so many

ways and it's always just tepid by the time we eat it.
Boiled, then baked.
Roasted with oil.
deep fried (a waste of a low calorie item).

I just don't get what I'm doing wrong. It's always tepid.
Now broccoli I can get to roof-of-mouth searing temperatures with any of the methods above, but not cauliflower.

Ya. tried that. Tried serving it IN a heated dish. It dissipates so quickly...they should use it as

a heat sink.

I think I don't mind it, but I'd guess the only way it is hot hot is au gratin. I eat roasted

cauliflower like candy if it is on the kitchen counter.
