What's your favorite brand of blue cheese (that I may be able to find in a grocery store

I've seen Rosenborg in the supermarkets here. It works for a variety of uses. Unfortunately, in

a small town, you may have to settle for what's available.

I really like the Rosenborg and almost always have it on hand. I can buy the half rounds of traditional at BJ's for a really good price. It makes great salad dressings, is good on salads, etc and many of my recipes call for a Danish blue.


Not sure if you'll be able to find this, but Roth Kase Buttermilk Blue is another good one.

Do you have access to a Sam's Club? The one here just put a speciality cheese case with many

interesting cheeses on display. The Maytag Blue is one of them.

Yeah, it's really delicious! I haven't seen it at the supermarket either - I usually find it at my

health food market.

There's a variety made in Marion, Mass...

called Great Hill Blue that is really nice.

If you are looking for mild blues, look for a buttermilk blue or cambazola.

Cyn, just noticed the "that I may be able to find in my grocery store" qualified...

Gorgonzola is the every day house blue here. Very dependable, nice price, great taste.

Cyn, we do have the Roth Case Buttermilk Blue here in Syracuse in grocery stores. It's my

favorite too. You have a Wegmans or P&C nearby, right? Our Wegmans has 17 different brands of blue cheese - I counted them once! Or is that the 40-mile away store for you!? ;o( I know you live in a small town, and I guess that's one of the bad things about that.

How about an ethnic store near you/Albany? Lots of times they have a very good cheese department.

I just saw the Rosenborg at my SuperWalmart. they have a case of cheeses etc in deli/produce area
