What's your method of coddling an egg?


Well-known member
I've never been 100% happy when I coddle an egg for my husband's favorite salad dressing. It's a knockoff from the Seattle restaurant Canlis and it calls for a coddled egg. I am never sure if I'm cooking the darn egg too much/too little... etc.

I'll share the salad dressing if you all will share your T&T coddling methods!


REC: Canlis Island Salad

Grated Parmesan
1/4 c. chopped green onions
Generous amount of cooked sliced bacon (yum!)
Homemade croutons
Diced tomatoes

Topped with Dressing:

1/3 c. olive oil
Juice of one lemon (around 1/4 cup)
1/2 t. freshly ground pepper
1/4 t. dried oregano or around 1 t. fresh
1 coddled egg.

Whisk vigorously and toss with salad. This is my husband's favorite salad, hands down.

personally, I can't see the point to coddling an egg. it's not like it's cooked, just slightly

heated is all. even so, the yolk isn't heated at all. anyone know why they do it?

Have always wondered that too, apparently with the fresh eggs, the white does thicken slightly, but?

So, in a Caesar, do you just use a raw egg or leave it out. I leave it out since I keep eggs a while
