Who Knew?


Well-known member
The new Jetson fridge with the internet tablet embedded in the door has become the daily joke. While we have internet connection and a USB port to get to wherever it is that we want to go, the actual user interface is somewhat controlled by Samsung, including! the recipe of the day from Allrecipes (except any worth making)!

It has become the joke of the day in this household.

We had many laughs over "The Best (it's always the best) Party Deviled Egg Dip. Uh, hello? Can we say Egg Salad?

But today was the bottom of hell: Bavarian Meatballs.

Hello? Bavaria? Did you know you have a dish called meatballs?

So apparently, if one takes a bag of frozen soy-product meatballs and throws a can of cranberry sauce at it, a bottle of chile sauce, and a can of sauerkraut (WITH JUICES!!!!--I kid you not) at it, the meatballs will become, Bavarian!!!

There are so many things wrong with this. As any southern German will tell you, sauerkraut is rinsed and soaked several times before it is cooked with its flavorings of assorted fats, herbs, fruits, and vegetables.

But a bottle of chili sauce and a can of cranberry sauce? First of all, Ick!

Who would make this? Why would anyone think anyone would want to make this?

I gag with all of my Bavarian Brüdern at this crime cruelly perpetuated against Bavarian cuisine by infidels who know nothing of Bavarian cuisine!

BTW, Just found out as the result of a DNA test that I'm 86% German (the 14% was my English-German father!), which is more than the average Burger walking around Hamburg or Düsseldorf.

Obviously Jetson Fridges are not programmed for serious cooks

Personally, as you know, I prefer to wander page by page through cookbooks I choose to wander through. Things that magically tell me that this is the "best" or "newest" or "hottest" or whatever generally go to the back of my class. I still cannot fathom a fridge that has the internet. I go back time and again to lovingly stained pages of favorite books.

My goodness. The "Bavarian Meatballs" recipe sounds horrible. It is just marketing to make something awful sound like it is from an exotic land that most people would never visit for real. Like what has always (well, from the 40s-50s anyway) been done with foods disguised as "Hawaiian". Put pineapple in it and it is "Hawaiian"! WRONG.

Personally, I do not want my fridge telling me anything, or keeping a shopping list, or reminding me

I need butter. I have a big Sub Zero, it sits there at a comfortable 37° for the food, and zero for the freezer. It does not have an outside of the door ice dispenser, or water dispenser. It makes ice on the bottom freezer and quietly dispenses it when needed. It tells me nothing except when something is wrong with it, then it flashes the error message, I look it up in the manual and usually fix it myself. That it! It has a beautiful door cover made of the same material as my kitchen cabinets. It blends in beautifully and elegant and keeps quiet!


Karen, too have Subs and rave all the time about them

I have two big units. One is just refrigerator, no freezer and the other is just freezer, no refrigerator. The freezer makes ice cubes in a handy drawer.

We are selling our house and when we move I will make sure that I get another either one or two Subs. Never have I loved refrigeration as much as I do love the Subs.
