Who wants to go shopping w/me (in pictures) to Costco yesterday? Meritage, vanilla incl (more info)


Ok, so first let me apologize for how *bad* these pictures are (slide show). I was trying to be all stealthy and go no flash, and it was a clear fail. Big fail. My desire was to get some prices to compare to help decide if I should keep my membership, so these are just overall random shots of whatever.

CathyZ -- is this the wine you spoke of? I got a bottle to try. FYI, the lady in the wine dept said if there is a * in the corner of a sign, it means this is the last of an item. (This is the last of the Meritage in this store.)

She advised (and I was going to try last night but got stuck on the phone) the Syrah at $7.99 (she said she tried it and was fab, plus lots of folk are coming back to buy. Update: just open/decanted this -not really a fan, too much like cough syrup for me on first taste; will decant longer and see if it improves) and the case is some she said she used for her daughter's wedding after a blind tasting of all her friends (and her husband is in the wine biz). So can't wait to try that, plus I asked and was told if I didn't like it could return the case/get my money back.


Not in picture, but a 2pk of La Brea sourdough hot from the oven was $4.99


Oh yeah! You needed a big trunk, Maria. Yes- Meritage is the one.

I will try the Cameron Hughes Syrah if we have it at our Costco.

Your prices are pretty close to what ours are here for most things- that surprised me. I thought we were a lot higher.

I expected that too, but when you said roasted chickens were $5, that was the same...

I wonder if they try to keep prices flat across the country? If so, it would seem like their prices wouldn't be that good elsewhere. I do know our prices in groceries overall is much higher here than when I go visit family in So CA.

Oh and I forgot to add gas: I didn't need any, but I think the sign said 2.47 and 2.67, but it was twilight and I was rounding a curve, so a big part of me doesn't believe that. I can't even recall when gas didn't at least have a 3 as a front number.

Maria, I really enjoyed your slow mo' movie up until I reached the plastic wrap scene....

At that point, it was time for “Let's all go to the lobby” intermission smileys/wink.gif. Your movie inspires me to go and join Costco again!

Now all you have to do is whip-up an Excel spreadsheet with all of the unit prices in categories. If you can round up family/friends/neighbors to shop with you, you might be able to split the cost on some items yet still save big time and not have things perish or take up too much space.

Ha! I only left that one there so I could recall the price.

I'd thought I'd have all the pricing info from the photos, but since I didn't even have a phone with a camera, I was trying not to be too obvious since I was using an actual camera (kinda surprised someone didn't stop me actually). Boo, on how bad the photos came out, but was able to glean some limited pricing info. Not happy I couldn't pin point amounts - like what was the price per pound on those oranges? Gah, but I couldn't make it out even when zooming in. I do recall it was better than my store, but even with making smoothies every day not sure I could go through that many just me. That was the problem with lots of stuff, for example the bag of spinach. Again even with making green smoothies daily it's a lot, but it also wasn't organic so that was a no go for me. The did have organic kale in a huge bag about the same price as well as salad greens.

You might notice some signs had a yellow highlight on them, those were on sale -- like the pork chops said $3 off at the register. I had no idea Coscto even had sales. If I had a family to feed seems like the prices were good. Example I went to the new "neighborhood" Walmart grocery only store today. Philly cream cheese was nearly the same price - for one normal size container.

That excel spreadsheet is so not gonna happen (unless someone else does it), this is as close as I'm gonna get. Yeah, I'm lazy like that, lol.

I'm astonished how high prices are here. Gas? $3.49/gal. My local grocery store...

(not gourmet), hamburger is $5.49/pound for a family pack. I cringe when a recipe calls for a red pepper, which is is around $4/pepper. A pepper costs more than a pound of chicken?!

I don't smoke, but my parents do. I happened to notice the price the other day. A pack is $9, cartons are over $90. I called my mom in Florida. She pays $50 a carton.

They ended state controlled liquor stores this fall. Voters thought that was a good thing, until the first purchase. Taxes on a bottle of hard alcohol? 40%.

Don't shoot me, but apples are way cheaper at Whole Foods... smileys/wink.gif (No amazing samples, though.)

See, need to price compare here $4.49 for 10 extra lrg organic

these were huge apples. The navels were less than $1 a pound, so cheaper, but going through a crate of oranges?

Bizarrely, out best tasting apples this year are coming from Walmarts. I carried home...

a bushel of local-grown apples from NC...and the Walmarts had more depth of flavor.

Five different NC varieties. Such a disappointment.
