Whole Food bulk dried coconut versus Baker's Sweet coconut: How much sugar


do I need to add to compensate if I use the unsweetened coconut for German Chocolate Icing, which requires 7 oz bag of Baker's Sweetened coconut.

Last Thursday I cut the edges off the German Chocolate cake to even things up and threw them in the container with about a cup of leftover icing. I smooshed it all together, stuck it in the frig and then promptly forgot about it. Pulled it out yesterday and noticed the cake had absorbed the icing and OH MY GOODNESS!...it will make PERFECT cake balls. Almost truffle-like Almond Joy-ish little orbs of delight.

The only problem was the Baker's coconut shreds were long and randomly stuck out; ergo the balls weren't...neat. (Note: when I'm in an anal-retentive mode, I tend to use the word "ergo")

I knew I would need chopped-up coconut to roll neat balls. Figured I could do it with the food processor, but then saw the bulk unsweetened chopped stuff at WF. Ha! Already done.

The icing uses 1 cup of sugar + 1/4 C brown sugar with 7 oz of SWEETENED coconut. What would I need to add to get the same taste result using unsweetened coconut?


I have found in some recipes that I like it better with NO additional sugar.

Honestly, it's probably not a big difference. I'd say don't add any more and just taste it.
