Why can't I find Hot Roll Mix (Pillsbury) in NYC?


Well-known member
Yes, I'm aware that this is probably Satan's Own Baking Mix, but about half of the "easy" cinnamon roll recipes in the "I Love Cinnamon Rolls" book I got for Christmas (and am just now cracking open in earnest) call for this stuff. I can make it, and will, but I'm curious: is this a thing wherever you are? Have you heard of it? Seen it in stores? Before I opened this book (which is not THAT much of a niche publication), I'd never heard of it and never seen it, so I'm wondering if it's regional...

In New York you can get it at Walmart, Meijer, Stop & Shop, Foodtown (according to their website)

I would imagine its such a specialty product, being from Satan and all...

that the tiny NYC groceries just don't have the space for it. But then, I cannot recall ever seeing it in the sprawling Midwestern grocery stores that I shop at. But then, I've
never looked for it either. smileys/wink.gif

My dear MIL used to use that as the base of her famous Sticky Buns. She lived

in upstate NY where it seemed to be readily available. Here in So CA it is a seasonal item, and I only see it on the shelves in November/December.

This probably voids my 'foodie card' but I miss the old packaged foods....

My Grandmother Clinton only made divinity, fig jam, and cinnamon sugar toast from scratch (well the only things that were edible). She always made this Betty Crocker boxed pasta and chicken dish - chicken supreme or something like that. It had dried pieces of minced chicken, dried peas, a cream sauce and a package of SHERRY that she would sparingly add lest we get drunk (later in life I realized it was cooking sherry not sherry - what a disappointment).

And we never bought real sour cream. We always had the packaged sour cream mix or sour cream with chives mix - you whipped it with cold milk and VOILA - freshly made sour cream. I have seen where some of the places that sell all the sort of survival food kits and such have a sour cream mix in bulk so I guess I am going to order a lifetime supply of it just to relive and old memory. But honestly, it was a nice taste that I kind of miss.

I did see some of the pizza kits the other day but I thought they had disappeared. Kraft and Chef Boy R Dee. And spaghetti dinner kits with the tiny little cans of 'real parmesan cheese'. I can't say that I really miss those that much though - mainly I used the crusts and invented my own pizzas. I never dreamed making REAL pizza dough was so easy but then again back then, we didn't have pizza joints on every corner, delivery, and pizza all the time.

I hate to admit it but to this day when I think of or crave mac and cheese, I want Kraft Mac N Cheese doctored up a little like dad always did (a few slices of good ole American processed cheese).

I loved Apian Way! We had that until my mother bought a bread cookbook

and started making homemade pizza dough,

Then every Friday night we got pizza, made in a rectangular cookie sheet. It usually had crumbled ground beef as the meat, as that seemed to be our main meat during that time of life.

Comfort food to me is Kraft Mac-N-Cheese with cut up breakfast sausage links

stirred into it. I haven't had that in forEVER since no one else here will eat it.

Ha! DH's wacky mother used to send him boxes of when he was out in the field in Viet Nam'

Don't know if she thought he could build a fire or what but I always got a laugh from the story.

ErininNY--I found PIllsbury Hot Roll Mix on the shelf at our local Kroger store! There are 2 kinds

and one box looks like this (a blue-ish box):


and the other version which also said Pillsbury Hot Roll Mix had more of a brown box.

One of them also had the word "specialty" on it, but for the life of me, I cannot remember which one. Each was around the $2.49 mark. Want me to send you a box or 2? I'd be glad to....Wigs (wigs@juno.com)
