Man, is it good spread on top of crispy cookies though.
M melissa-dallas Well-known member May 23, 2012 #2 Man, is it good spread on top of crispy cookies though.
M melissa-dallas Well-known member May 23, 2012 #4 I was starved, plus in a should see all the junk food I came home with....
L lisainla Well-known member May 23, 2012 #5 (((Melissa)))) I buy all sorts of extra stuff when I shop while hungry or "mid-mood". smileys/smile.gif
(((Melissa)))) I buy all sorts of extra stuff when I shop while hungry or "mid-mood". smileys/smile.gif
M melissa-dallas Well-known member May 23, 2012 #6 I was actually almost laughing at myself as I loaded up the cart. I'm going to have to hide some of it for a while and dole it out in small doses.
I was actually almost laughing at myself as I loaded up the cart. I'm going to have to hide some of it for a while and dole it out in small doses.
E erininny Well-known member May 24, 2012 #7 I feel your pain... I need a cart that slaps me as I head for the chips aisle. Come on, technology!
M Marg CDN Well-known member May 24, 2012 #9 Great idea. We could program the cart to lead us to what we need & dissuade us from what we want.
E erininny Well-known member May 24, 2012 #10 True...but then I'd need to be handcuffed to the cart, lest I abandon it and sneak off to the chips.