Why, oh why don't I listen to my own advice!


Stopped at Habitat for Humanity to see if I could score some pie pans. I used to have a stack of them, but somehow that stack has reduced to two. And last weekend, I had leftover apple pie and leftover blackberry/blueberry pie and no pie pan for another quiche.

Searching around the kitchen goods, I found two slightly scatched but useable Wilton pie tins for $1 each, and then...

(We pause for a momentary flashback: A few months ago, I asked whether you needed a madelaine pan for a madelaine to truly be a madelaine. Ya'll gave me lots of pan alternatives and recipes and then I still picked up a Nordic non-stick mini-size version for $16 + tax. Just because they look so...adorably French. Okay. End flashback and resume current post)

...up on the top shelf, I found two full-size madelaine pans. Still bearing the label "Made in France." For $3.

I bought both, right after slapping myself on the forehead and mumbling something along the line of "you idiot."

Ah, mais non mon petit Cheri !

Now you have THREE madelaine pans!

Just think how much EASIER it will be to bake up a batch quickly without having to fill the pan, bake, cool, fill the pan AGAIN, bake cool, etc.

You did good.


Disclaimer: Please excuse any errors in my French. I left French class to begin studying Egyptian Arabic in June, so it is getting rusty.

Wow, what a greata deal, Marilyn! We don't have any of those shops

here - in fact, I didn't even know that they had a thrift store.

Very Cool!! I love deals like that! Last week, I found a brand new rice steamer for $3.00! I

could never justify buying a rice steamer, both for space reasons and quite honestly, I make pretty good rice with the old method....BUT, for $3.00...I decided to give it a whirl!
The irony is that I still haven't made rice...I have used it for steaming veggies...Very good...I just love good finds like that! Congrats on your Mandelaines!! I look forward to hearing your adventures in using them!

Hon, since I don't read French, you could have written the ingredients from a small can of

Cherry pop (or "soda" if you are from a non-pop state).

It's real "hit & miss" here since there are so many beach condos and

those visitors are also looking for cheap deals.
But...I think I'll have fun with these.

for some reason our thrift shops always have tons of really nice glass pie pans. I have to slap my

hands so that I don't pick up yet another pie pan. I found a lovely old cake plate with stenciled on flowers last weekend and also a heart shaped casserole dish. I was never much into thrift shop buying, but I'm kinda hooked lately. I started looking when we bought the cabin, and now I can't seem to stop. I also pick up fun wine/bar glasses that are just singles---just for me or to have a fun assortment.

At the end of one school year I found that someone cleaning out the staff fridge threw away a glass

pie plate and it wasn't even dirty. Of course I rescued it.
