wigs - the salted nut bars were very good! Simple, but very nice >>


Well-known member
At our house those bars hardly ever sit in the pan long enough to become glued to the sides! I'm so

sorry I forgot to mention that you should run a knife around the edges before the bars completely cool.

Your parchment suggestion is excellent -OR- maybe even line the pan bottom + up over the sides with some aluminum foil and then after total cooling, you could lift the whole 10x15" mass out to put onto a wooden board to slice.

Glad you liked them! That is the favorite cookie for one of my sister's daughters. Having sweet & salty in the same bite is what sells me on them.

Wigs aka Caryn

Cheezz--Discovered I was still able 2 edit my original posting so I added yr comments & mine 2 REC.
