Will this recipe work if I cut it by a third?


Well-known member
This recipe makes 3 pieces for 10 1/4-inch tarts or 4 for 8 3/4-inch tarts. I want to revise this recipe so it fits one 10 1/4 inch tart pan.

2 1/2 sticks unsalted butter, softened or 10 ounces

4 5/8 ounces confectioners sugar, sifted

1 7/8 ounces ground blanched almonds

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon vanilla bean pulp, or 1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

2 each large eggs, at room temperature, lightly beaten

18 ounces all purpose flour

with the 2 eggs, I would be inclined to cut it in half, then make your tart and keep the bit extra

for a small galette or tartlette in the freezer.

I agree with Ang but you could use Egg Beaters to cut the egg

amount down. But why not freeze any left over and stick in the freezer.

The reason I don't like to freeze left over is because I don't always make anything

with the left over dough in time before it expires. I have always thrown out the other two frozen doughs.

I agree. I would take the extra dough and sprinkle some turbino sugar on it

and bake it and then nibble on it. But then again - I like pie crust way better than I like pie filling. But I do think it is safer to divide in half because of the 2 eggs.

Love baked pie dough scraps with cinnamon and sugar, will try it with the turbinado sugar.

Sometimes I buy the Trader Joe's pie crust, cut into strips, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar, and bake - no pie, just cookies!

It's also nice to make a deconstructed pie - use cooked fruit and make cookies with the dough scraps to serve with the fruit, can serve a la mode to be fancy.

oli, I know I'm late in replying, but for your future reference....my sixth-grade home ec teacher

taught us that one large egg equals about 3 Tablespoons so just whisk your eggs with a fork and measure out what you need to cut your recipe by 1/3. You'd need about 4 Tbsp of beaten eggs. Beaten eggs are a bit hard, i.e., slippery, to measure, but it can be done. I've split raw eggs in half MANY TIMES in my life using Mrs. Knobloch's directions. (Half an egg is 1-1/2 Tablespoons.) I keep any leftover egg in a Tupperware and add the little bit to scrambled eggs the next morning--or you can freeze it if you wish. I typically add a smidge of salt before freezing. I just googled this ancient 6th grade wisdom and came up with:

One large egg equals approximately three tablespoons volume
