Wine pairing advice, please


Well-known member
Second course is a "stew" of artichokes, fava beans, and peas. Main course is chicken braised with green olives, capers and celery in a very mild agrodolce (sugar-vinegar sauce).

Wine choices are a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc, a Spanish rosado (rosé), an Italian Chiaretto (rosé), or all-purpose Chianti. The white and the rosés would go well with the artichokes, but I can't decide about the chicken. Would a rosé be a disaster with the capers and olives? Thanks in advance.

i don't think that any good wine would be a disaster with any good food, but i'd lean toward tne...

sauvignon blanc.


The sauvignon blanc with the artichoke course is good, and the Chianti with the chicken. The Italian rose would be ok with the chicken too - not a disaster.
cheers, Bonnie
