wine question: I'm planning an Octoberfest theme for my bookclub, but what red wine would I serve?


Well-known member
I have plenty of German white wines to choose from, and some Saint Paulie Girls, but the red baffles me? My main dish will be Fleisch Rouladen, I think. I like the Malbecs from Argentina---maybe that would work.

I love Australian wines and a nice red would go with this dish

Have you tried the Yellow Tail Shiraz or the Shiraz/Cab combo?

Ang, I honestly had to look up the recipe for this--found a lovely one from The Grand Plaza Hotel

in Grand Rapids Michigan. Saved! This one is from Austria and has pickles and mustard inside, most seem to?
Some also suggest cabbage as a side and this is a hard match.
So does your recipe have mustard and what are your sides??
This is fun!!!
Bonnie, come out, come out wherever you are.

I'm with Karen, LOVE the Ozzies. A good Shiraz would go well with the rouladen as would a Napa Zin.

For the Shiraz, I've been a fan of Rosemount since I first tasted it in 1989. Usually under $10 dollars a bottle, good aged or young, available at the grocery store and virtually never disappoints.

For the Zinfandel (and I'm referring to RED Zin, not that slop referred to as "White" Zinfandel) try Rancho Zabaco's Zin. Widely available, consistently good ratings for an inexpensive red.

Now if you want to spend something like $50 a bottle, let me know. I have some GREAT ideas.

my Mom's, with no recipe, has bacon, onion, and mustard inside. Dad didn't like pickle inside.

will serve with poppyseed noodles, red cabbage and maybe green bean salad or cuke salad. Bienenstich for dessert. most of this is do ahead. yay.

A meritage cabernet would work. I checked a wine - food pairing app and this is what

came up to go with beef with mustard. From what I have read Germany does not produce much red wine.

Have fun planning your dinner; sounds like great fun.


There are some very good German and Austrian reds if you want to keep "autentisch." Also a spicy Mosel Gewürztraminer would hold its own against your rouladen.

You know we really do!!! About 12 years ago when we started getting a lot of cruise ships like we

have now (have been getting ships since the early 80's, actually got some before that) I was working part time in one of our liquor store with a super wine selection and loved it when travelers from major cities came in and were awed at our variety of really nice wine we have!!

Love this town, an amazing coffee roaster and good wines!


Rancho Zabaco Zin is one I used to call "a training red", for those afraid of the wonderful big reds

no, then just get a citation for crawling with attempt to walk?or WUI, walking under influence

Nan, I thought we were trying to keep it affordable and newbie-friendly? If not, let me suggest...

Most of the following are unavailable for under $100 bucks a bottle but if we're BURNING dough ...

-Penfold's Grange, anything before '94
-Any of the Turley Zins you can lay hands on
-Opus One's from '87-'96
-Heitz Cellars Cab before '90
-Chateau Lynch-Bages '87-2000
-Eisle Vineyards, Arraujo Cab '94
-Lewis Cab '96-2006
-Screaming Eagle (if you can get it & have $300 to spend)
-Chateau Lafitte. . . because,'s Chateau Lafitte!

I suggested a gewurztraminer or Rancho Zabaco Zin, both are under $14 here??? I like to stay under

$20 and preferably under $15 for casual gatherings. With the Australian, New Zealand, South African and Chilean oferings added to California and the Northwest there is a lot in each price range.

I have my dream lists, and cough up $50+ for special, but it would have to be an event to go higher even though some are on the lists.

