With apologies to my niece and all genuine gluten sufferers, this video cracked me up

Marilyn, I immediately thought of you and your colleague who was dying one day and eating a muffin

the next.

omg. do not watch this while at work. in an office with other people. or while eating lunch.

I should have included all those disclaimers. Sorry. I would add "with hot coffee in your mouth."

OMG, this is so funny. OK, so here is my take on this whole gluten free stuff

If you really have a medical condition in which you NEED to eat gluten free, OK. But if you don't and you go around doing what this guy did, I really don't want you to come to my house to eat.

Do you remember years a ago when everybody was hypoglycemic? I was in my 30's and most of the mom's in my new and upscale neighborhood suddenly had the condition. It seemed like the popular thing to do. I never hear any of those ladies talking about it now, as we are all in our 70's.
Do these things just come in popular trends, of is there some mysterious, and not so nice force out there doing experiments on us?
My mom's favorite thing to say to me was "if everyone jumps off the bridge, are you going to follow?" Thank you mom for encouraging me to be a free thinker!

For some it's a medical necessity. For others it's a complicated way of cutting carbs. And for some

it's a total power trip!

But in fairness, some are sensitive to gluten without being celiac.

Medical necessity is ok. Cutting carbs is something you should not impose your host

or hostess with. I really admire folks who have special diet issues and tell me they will bring a dish they can eat. They only cook one dish and I can go on with my menu, as planned without all the stress of trying to take care, of :
I don't eat anything with a face
Gluten free
No dairy
No sugar
Only 100 % organic

I could tell you horror stores about what happens at weddings with all these diet issues, not to mention preferences with beer...in which case if you do not serve "Micro Brews" people have walked out!!
In some cases, it really is a power trip, and so very rude.

I'm going to my cousin's wedding next weekend. I've been warned it will be vegan and alcohol-free

That's fine, I'll make the best with what is offered, but I just heard the cake will be raw! What the hell is a raw cake? I warned my aunt that I might smuggle in 1) a flask, 2) an In N Out burger and 3) a twinkie.

Perhaps they are raw foodists? We see alot of that here in the bay area.

It's not uncommon for vegans to be raw foodists. If you google "raw wedding cake" you'll see what I mean. Some are quite lovely, as well as nutritious.

I will take pictures and scientific samples and report back. (At this point I am not committed

to eating it.)

They are. And they are the sweetest people in the world. So I will toast the bride and groom

with mineral water (I hope! I refuse to toast with kambucha or fake wine) try not to snicker, and memorize the details to share with you all.

Fortunately I will be attending with my sister and another cousin. We plan to make a tear to the nearest dive after the wedding. It's in Salinas--good food and wine can't be that hard to find.

I'm hypoglycemic and it's something I have to work on constantly.

It started in my late 30's and I'm about to turn 66 and it is becoming harder to control.

So far I'm picturing a puddle of uncooked batter with bride-and-groom cake toppers drowing in it.

I ran in to this all the time at the Farmer's Market.

I did learn some things though. I could tell the people who actually had allergies or diseases that would not allow them to have any gluten. They were the ones who asked educated questions. That is where I learned that Kikkoman soy sauce has gluten in it, and La Choy, does not. I felt like a bartender, trapped behind my booth while customers told me things about their digestive system I never wanted to know. :}

Oh that's just a hop/skip/jump from Monterey...there is good food there!

Actually, it might be really good. I'm thinking Strawberry Mousse cake or the like. Can't wait to hear you report back on the menu!
