with the garden chock full of parsley and mint I made my first Tabbouli of the season today, minus>>

Would you care to share the recipe? By the way, if you can find

Campari tomatoes, packaged in a plastic clam shell from either Costco or Safeway, they are very nice winter tomatoes.

REC Tabbouli

1 cup bulgar wheat in a large metal bowl. Pour 2 cups boiling water over wheat and cover. Let set 30 minutes or more. Drain off extra water Should be very little) Make a dressing of 1/3 cup EVOO 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice, 1/2 tsp salt or to taste, 1/4-1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper. Add one bunch green onions, chopped up, 1 bunch Italian parsley, chopped, 1/4 to 1/2 cup chopped mint leaves. Diced tomatoes (if you have them)Zest of one lemon (optional but nice) If you like a bit of cumin, add that (I haven't yet but I'm thinking about it!)
Let meld for a couple of hours, stir a couple of times if you remember. Cover and put in fridge. If you're going to use it in a few hours, no need to chill unless you like it that way. Serve on romaine, on nothing, in a empty tomato half or in a mound with toasted split pitas as scoopers.
