Woman's Day Magazine - 9/16/08 - "Bake Sale Sweets," Candy Apple Cupcakes, Snickerdoodle Sandwiches,

you had me at "snickerdoodle sandwiches" . thanks gay.

did you notice some omissions in their directions? I usually have good luck with their recipes, but these needed a bit of proofreading. The biscotti addition of ginger says 1 ginger, and I think it means 1 T of ginger, or maybe 1 tsp? Also, several places in the directions when "beat" in eggs etc is required, the "beat" is missing, just says . in. odd errors for their recipes. They look great in any case.

Ang, You are welcome! With reference to the errors .. have the magazine and the Ginger is 1....>

Tablespoon grated ginger or 1 cup dried cranberries, Or 1 Tablespoon grated orange zest and 1 cup dark chocolate chips.

If you have any further questions, list them and I will check the magazine for you and clarify for you.

Me too!

As for the typos...it could be the poor copy editor had this as part of a huge project land on their desk at 6pm, had no time for dinner, found the copy needed an almost complete rewrite, fighting meno-brain everyday, needed to run to make their dr appt, worked till 1pm the night before, had to get the final copy to the production team before midnight because the site was going live in the am...no wait, that was me.

Hopefully they'll catch it after the fact and put in a fix. However, right now I have a soft spot in my heart for tired copy editors everywhere. smileys/smile.gif
