Worst thing you ever ate? My dear beau fed me a bite of pig's kidney with broccolini - blech!!!!


Well-known member
He kept telling me, try it, it's good! it didn't look good despite me liking most asian stir fry dishes, and yup, it was not good! bleeeeech!

That's the last time we have dinner from his chinese takeout leftovers! he got a great chuckle out of it. I got myself an extra large glass of chardonnay!

Sooooo, what's the worst thing you've eaten lately? tee hee

Beef tongue from my stepmother...I flushed it....coconut water & blood orange in Bahamas

the blood orange was so vinegary, just awful!

not lately, but when I was a child, a strong, bony fish called tautaug (sp?) with wet stuffing....

baked on top. It was caught off the dock in front of our house in Mass. My mother baked it with this stuffing on top which got wet from the fish juice. I didn't eat fish again until my 30's. My brothers remember it fondly, however. Go figure.

Without a doubt, it was the banana tempura...

since I hate hate hate bananas, I can usually spy them in anything. The usual culprits being fruit salads and usually the creamier ones. I avoid them like the plague. But, I ordered shrimp tempura from a small Japanese restaurant that I frequented. I was enjoying my lunch when I bit into a something that looked like a veggie. I wasn't sure what it was, but anything in tempura is usually good, so I wasn't worried. Once I bit into it, I knew exactly what it was. Oh accckkkkkkk! Then I was faced with the choice of either spitting it out, or swallowing it. I swallowed it almost whole. It was traumatic. They figured out a way to sneak my most hated food into an unsuspecting dish that I loved. Now, everything is suspect.

The second was the canned shiitakes I bought. I tasted them and spit them into trash can...

thank you, thank you, thank you, Rosie, for the dried mushrooms you sent. They are wonderful!
I will never buy canned mushrooms again. I think that is why I hated mushrooms as a kid. One of those things like spinach, that just should not be canned.

Vegemite. Marmite. Blood pudding. All very salty....blech!

Anything "blackened." Oh, and hot meatloaf. I can tolerate it cold but hot meatloaf just gives me the willies.

it's true but it is funny too f smileys/smile.gif it's amazing we all survived it, and she agreed with that '-))

I just finished reading Ruth Reichl's book Tender at the Bone, and she is right there with you. She

was constantly afraid that their guests would be poisoned. It was a good read.

maybe I should read that book, everyone seems to love it. my mother's sister and

my uncle came for a visit one time. so, what do you cook for company and have time to enjoy them? hamburgers. easy enough, but first you cook them and then you put them in the frig. when everyone is ready for dinner, you take them out, boil them and place on a bun. 50 years later, my aunt was still talking about that meal "-)))

That's a new take on burgers? I have always maintained, I learned to cook because I was hungrey?

you definitely have got to read the book. Your mother's could have been twins separated at birth.
