Would a "ham Shank Portion" work for pulled pork? Or do I need to make traditional "ham"...I am


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"hammed out" between Easter and Mothers Day, but could not resist the sale! Any other ways to make/serve? Was thinking Pulled pork, if that would work...



I use fresh pork shoulder, bone in. In my opinion the only pork left with real flavor.

If you buy a shank portion of a CURED ham you will get "pulled ham". . .

You probably know that the hind leg of the pig is usually made into ham. Ham is a cured, often smoked product; the stuff you use in ham sandwiches and such. As such it will tast of, well, ham, a cured pork product. If you use it in a pulled pork recipe you will end up with pulled ham.

If you buy a fresh "ham", also known as leg of pork, you are getting a raw pork product, that will taste of roast pork. If you use a shank portion of a fresh ham/leg of pork it should give you pulled pork results, rather than pulled ham results.

Does this make sense? Or am I confusing myself?

--and I am with aajay on the fresh pork shoulder; good stuff. . .

though it has gotten pretty lean in recent years. Go for the pork shoulder blade roast, AKA as pork butt roast (out here). Second on my list would be fresh pork pic-nic style roast, which would be the shoulder roast, skin on and has the humerus bone in it (I think).

THanks so much for the info...I really don't make pork often, aside from tenderloin/chops...So,

advise and guidance is appreciated!

Thanks! Love his voice! "is that the best lookin barbeque or what!" Love it(and dh does the bbq,

therefore, extra plus....
Thanks! I never think of youtube!

aajay, I learn something every day....Now, I will be searching for sale prices on fresh pork!

Oh, definitly, skin on. And then if you can convince the other eaters that the crispy skin

is inedible--you can scoff it all down in the kitchen!
