Would love to try these tie dyed cookies >>>

Wow! I have a Lego Robotics team called the Cookiebots.

They were talking about handing out cookies during tournaments. I will show them this recipe and see if any of them will make them - they would be so perfect!

It's a Lego-sponsored national/regional competition for kids. My son did it...

...when he was in middle school.

Lego puts out a set of criteria and teams of kids build remote control "robots" to accomplish the goals Lego sets out. Then they come together and compete against other teams in their town, city, region, state, etc.

It's very fun, and it teaches kids about robotics, teamwork, problem solving, etc.


It's a lot of fun

unless you're crazy like me. I have too many teams for sanity, but it;s great. Sally is being so wonderful about it, my kids are so enthused to talk to a real scientist!

Some of them are sooooo adorable....

I am saving the messages, one in particular melted my heart... I apologized for not having answered the previous day, because I had worked late and did not even want to look at my computer when I arrived home.

So this kid tells me he understands about lack of sleep because he had stayed up playing a video game for a long time, until he finally WON first place - then he collapsed in bed, exhausted


All these exchanges I'm having with them are actually very interesting because it confirms how tricky it is to try and DO something to revert a contamination in a field. Basically, it is an uphill battle for which we have no weapons. The idea that we could "sterilize" our environment simply doesn't work. And killing one bacterial species without harming many others - often beneficial - is a huge problem too.

I am glad they are enjoying our exchanges...

They are so impressed with you!

And I think my stock has gone up because I know a REAL scientist! One of them whispered to me that you had signed yourself 'Sally'. She felt so important and grown-up. And another one googled you, and I had to show him which of the hits actually was you.

Four of my teams have their first tournament this weekend. We are in overdrive because we are SO not ready, but it doesn't matter, we'll learn a lot, and we'll aim at doing better in our second tournament in January.
