wouldn't rice cooked in a rice cooker be sticky enough to hold together? I think a wild rice mix

would be nice in this, but maybe not sticky enough. thanks for the recipe. so nice for entertaining.

wouldn't rice cooked in a rice cooker be sticky enough to hold together? I think a wild rice mix

would be nice in this, but maybe not sticky enough. thanks for the recipe. so nice for entertaining.

Ang, I am thinking the rice would be sticky enough to hold. Can't do wild rice....too much potassium

Sylvia...practice saying this with a straight face: "Lovely color, isn't it. It's a new sepia hybrid

with hints of ochre and overtones of russet. I was lucky to get a few for you to sample."

Marilyn, LOL! This dish won't be making it another dinner party menu. I like to prepare dishes I can

make in advance.

Flavour was fine. I was disappointed because I had grated and organized the custard cups

about 2 hours before dinner and the potatoes had discoloured. Sigh! The potatoes should be grated just before baking.
