Wow, I feel like Traca! Guess who I met today??

Duh, Marcella Hazan's son! I only learned a few weeks ago she lives in these parts and didn't

connect the name (slapping face here).

Ha! And he's got a fabulous cooking school in Italy. smileys/smile.gif

Very cool!

My friends Dawn & Eric stumbled on his classes in Italy and were blown away by him. (These are uber foodie friends.) They struck up a friendship with Giuliano and now take care of his web updates and such. I hear he's a really nice guy. Divides his time between Florida and Italy, if I understand correctly.

His "Pasta in Thirty Minutes" is remarkable...

He times out the cooking process so nicely, and it really can come together in 30 minutes! I've done it a number of times!

Not a recipe, but a book...

Thirty Minute Pasta...

He has recipes that run start to finish in 30 minutes for a number of pasta dishes. All the prep, all the sauce, everything...30 minutes. He uses a few short-cuts, such as he uses no fresh pasta in this book, but all the recipes just about parallel Mom's recipes and are set up for the working woman of today.
