WOW! Mario Batali leaving Chew, etc...

Never did care for this person. Tonight when the news was bating us on a well know chef accused of

sexual misconduct, he came to mind immediately. He had an attitude I did not like and I watched many of his shows for a long time. Why did I watch? Don't know, tried to figure out what it was about him that was supposed to be so great! Never even tried any of his recipes.

Why, all of a sudden, all the sexual misconduct accusations? Am amazed at the amount of women who

put up with that. All I have to say about that is, WHY?

It's not a question of "putting up" with that and not saying anything

I hesitated to respond to your post because I fear spoiling the generosity and love shown to each other on Eat@. However, this struck a nerve.

To whom would you complain when the males above you hang out together, tell dirty jokes together, have beers together, and consider it all just a bit of fun? I think there is pent-up fury over the years of not being believed, and thank God, enough brave women are now speaking out so that more and more feel comfortable saying ME TOO.
I'm 68 years old and say it's about time the gropers, assaulters, and pedophiles are shown for what they are.

Reading that particular article about mario tells exactly why--these are powerful

people in the profession women wanted to also excel in--and the men AT THE TIME had all the power and could ruin them. And now, the whistle has been blown.
And Anna said it best--they are now getting what they have deserved.

I'm not surprised either! Never forget seeing him sprawled on a bench outside of Babbo

drinking from a bottle of wine in a brown paper bag.

This has everything to do with a character flaw. Not all men do this, but those that do...

...are totally out of line. It's disgusting.

I worked in hospitals as a young man, and I can tell you for certain that women in power do the same thing to male underlings. Probably not as common as males, but it does happen. It is a human thing, and both genders participate, unfortunately.

I was taught to respect all people, especially women, and not to even flirt unless I was married to the object of my flirtation. It's worked for me!


Why? Having been forewarned by other victims "Don't bother"

that was the battle cry of those brave women to the next generation entering the workforce (me) They were ignored, passed over and eventually fired.
So we took it. And took it for granted that it was the price of entre to the mens club of the working world. I was in many a meeting, business trip etc where I was the only female. It was tough. And scary at times. Trapped in an elevator. Handed room keys in a hotel. Listening to lewd comments. (Early 80's)
My mother told stories of the 1950's as a secretary, she was "chased around the desk."
Women are coming out now because it seems they might have a shot at being believed.
Thank goodness that the younger generation doesn't seem to have these experiences.

I understand what you are saying. I say to stop it the minute it happens

It is what I did, on two occasions. Once was right in front of the Chief of Police where I worked. A volunteer who thought he was being cute and had snapped my bra once before. I encourage women to be smart, brave, and stop it the second it happens. My first time was with my boss, who was in the medical field. Stopped him too. Most of these men are cowards, bullies, and weasels. Never be afraid to stop it... Yes, I continued to work for that man in the medical field for several years, he respected me from then on and it was never mentioned again.

My Mom was a very strong person, and she gave me that strength, but she also was a romantic...

...and my wife gives my Mom credit for my romanticism. She truly was an amazing person, and though we just passed the 25th anniversary of her passing, she still influences me a lot.

My Dad also made sure my sister, brother and I grew up knowing what true love between husband and wife looked like. Our family wasn't perfect by any measure (whose is?) but my parents were wonderful people.

My heart goes out to anyone who has been harassed or sexually bullied in any way. It is disgusting.

