Wustof Classic 6 in chefs knife for $49.95 at chefs catalog

Dull knives are frustrating, but...

It's the only reason I still have 8 whole fingers and two opposable thumbs. But be that as it may, I just ordered myself one of these!

Thanks, Barbara!

After 40+ years of cooking for a living, I feel that most and the worst cuts are from dull knives???

See where you are coming from, and at home I sometimes pick up one that needs love. But at work

first chore of the day is check edges and make 'em purty.

Ultimate test, a really ripe tomato! All day long!

Be Safe,

My fav is a razor-sharp, Henkel M-66 Cermax Japanese knife.Cuts thru tomatoes "like buttah!"

Problem with a dull knife is you wind up putting a lot more pressure on it which decreases your ability to control the thing. My worst cuts have been with dull knives. . . and dull assistants. Ahem.

I agree. They need to be razor-sharp so that they cut without resistance but demand respect for

their ability to cut anything else that gets in the way.

Here comes that image again of my husband's fingertip sitting on the board.
