Yes, I am officially retired from the cafe. Day one of retirement; trip and fall


Well-known member
over wood planks Bub left on the deck. They weren't in a bad place, he had them up against the railing. I however, tripped on the end of them. There I am, laying splat on the deck. I can look in and see Bub playing a computer game with headphones on. My son is sound asleep on a Sunday morning. While I was laying in a heap on the deck, keeping my eyes out for incoming vermin and such, it came to me. I want to bake. Seriously, that is what I was thinking about. Not pain, which I have, think Mac truck whisking you off the road, but loaves of bread. Are we all like this, or is it just me.

I called my friend to tell her what happened, and she literally told me to call her back in five days, because she had stitches in her lips and couldn't laugh.

My other friend, breaks more things than I do, so she isn't any good. So here I am. Life is good. Even the bad crap. My grandson is alive and well and playing soccer. A year ago, he was in KU having brain surgery. Life's bumps put everything in perspective. Hand me some Aleeve please. (smile)

Oh, Dawn--what a story. For me the moral is to NEVER RETIRE! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Glad you are OK... And you are not the only one; In times of stress, I often focus on thinking of

cooking.... Hope you feel better soon. Retirement is supposed to be relaxing!!!

Gosh, were you able to get up or did you have to wait, vermin free hopefully, until

someone noticed??

Thinking of baking is a grand thing, then having the time to bake is even grander! Enjoy your time off and I hope you feel better soon. And your friend too - lip stitches? OMG

Gosh I'm glad you are ok...

You first thought was baking? Mine tends to be OH S**T, so you are doing good! I'm just happy when you fell down and went boom, you were able to get back up again -- I haven't mastered that one yet.

And your friend with lip stitches? OWWW!

I hope I don't get some instant karma...

.... but the 'call me back in 5 days because I have lip stitches and cannot laugh" got ME laughing real hard...

Hope you are feeling better, Aleve is a girl's best friend, I am a regular user, although it is usually because I overdo on exercises (sigh)

While I know tripping and hurting isn't funny, the adventure you made of it certainly was.

Baking sounds reasonably safe.
