some great tips on making bread and what I might be doing wrong and it made me want to try again. I don't take failure well so I finally jumped back in this morning and made the English Bread Loaf that (I think) Dawn/Mo posted. It always pancaked as I would move it to the oven when I did it and you told me some of the mistakes I was doing. It is a huge improvement from what I ever did before. It's actually a normal size loaf! However, it looked perfect when I put it in the oven (just risen to crown with the loaf pan) and when I looked at it 35 minutes later it had slightly fallen in the middle. So, I was just trying to find that thread and ran across this post from Paul with a pic of his bread so I'm posting it here so I don't have to mess with doing one because it looks exactly like his. So maybe it is fine? I haven't cut it yet but there was never a problem with the flavor, just being to flat. Any thoughts anyone?